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Best Practices for Conducting VoLTE/VoNR MOS Testing

DingLi Jun 15, 2024 Knowledge

In the fast-paced world of telecoms, Voice over Long-Term Evolution (VoLTE) and Voice over New Radio (VoNR) are making big waves. They deliver better voice quality and use networks more efficiently. But it's vital that these services work well, so we need to do Mean Opinion Score (MOS) testing.

MOS helps us measure voice quality, which is key for users. This article offers an easy-to-follow guide on how to get ready for MOS testing, make test scenarios, do the tests, analyze the data, and keep improving. It also reminds us to stick to compliance rules and standards, which is important for getting consistent and reliable test results.

Our goal is to help professionals master the strategies they need for running VoLTE/VoNR MOS testing. We want to make sure that digital communications keep getting better in the age of 5G.

Introduction to VoLTE/VoNR MOS Testing

Tech advances have brought us VoLTE and VoNR. This jargon represents the new and improved voice calls in today's world. With these technologies, you can expect clearer and more efficient calls on both LTE and 5G networks.

One important tool that makes sure of this quality is called MOS testing. It uses a score to indicate customers' voice experience quality. Call quality is analyzed scientifically but also by using people's judgments. The testing looks at different factors, such as delay, fluctuation, packet loss, and how well different codecs work.

Such in-depth testing is key to telecom operators trying to offer the best voice services possible. It's necessary for companies wanting to keep customers happy and loyal in a very competitive field. As we continue to make progress in the 5G era, and as VoNR becomes more common, MOS testing will only get more important. It will remain a critical part in making sure we get the best voice quality possible.

Getting Started

Let's first get a handle on VoLTE and VoNR technologies. After we understand these, we can lay down our testing goals. Is the best call quality our top priority? Or is it stability, or the speed at which a call sets up? Clear goals steer us in the right direction.

We need testing tools and software that can get the job done. They need to match well with VoLTE/VoNR MOS metrics and your network setup. Our testing space should replicate common conditions, from signal variability to background noise. This way, we get reliable, robust results.

Taking time to properly set up your kit is essential. Choose devices that are compatible with VoLTE/VoNR and comply with network protocols. We want trustworthy data, don’t we?

We'll then conduct a wide variety of test scenarios to cover all potential user experiences. These include various network conditions, call types, and user mobility levels. Having benchmarks aids in understanding your data. Be they standard industry levels or custom requirements, they give you a sound measure of success.

A full testing schedule is needed, encompassing different times and network loads. This gives us a comprehensive data set. Ensure your testing adheres to local laws on network usage and data management to steer clear of legal issues.

Your team should be well-versed in the technology, tools, and processes. This knowledge allows them to deliver accurate, reliable results. Conduct some preliminary tests to scrutinize your setup, tools, and scenarios, and adjust them as needed.

It's smart to document everything- your goals, tools, devices, scenarios, schedules, and more. This plan will direct you and also serve as a reference for future tests.

With these initial testing steps, no doubt your process will not only be proficient and comprehensive but also geared to provide significant results.

Test Execution

Start by deciding what exact VoLTE and VoNR functions you want to test. This should include knowing the different coverage areas, network conditions, and types of devices. You should also be aware of the specific service settings to be tested. After that, select good MOS testing tools that can work with VoLTE and VoNR.

Setting up your testing area is very important. Make it as close to real 4G and 5G network conditions as you can. Also, prepare the devices you will be using for the test. Make a detailed plan for each test to check all aspects of voice call quality. This should cover everything from how long it takes to make a call, to how clear the voice is and whether there are any data losses.

Use automation to carry out the tests. This saves time and avoids mistakes. Before starting new tests, perform baseline testing to check how stable your network is. Run several tests in different conditions to make sure your results are reliable and accurate.

MOS test tools can help you to check the quality of the call in real-time. This makes it easier to take action and solve problems. Gather and analyze the data and look out for any MOS scores that are lower than you expected.

Make a detailed report of every test. This should include everything from setup and execution steps, to results and problems you found. Use visual aids like screenshots and logs to help explain your findings. Create a detailed report, outlining your steps, test cases, findings, and ways to improve VoLTE/VoNR call quality.

After making changes to the network or service, run the test again to make sure the changes worked. Building a continuous testing environment will help improve VoLTE/VoNR call quality. Also, document and report your work consistently, preferably in English. This makes your findings available to more people. This not only encourages innovation but also leads to growth in telecommunications.

Understanding VoLTE and VoNR MOS Testing

When we look at VoLTE and VoNR MOS testing, our main goal is clear - we want to know about the quality of voice calls people receive. We make use of Mean Opinion Score to achieve this goal, which rates quality from one to five. For the data, we made calls through both VoLTE and VoNR under different network conditions. We used automated software to simulate calls and noted the MOS scores.

We tried to use a wide range of data for our method, with various times, locations, and devices. Also, we included different network operators to get a broad dataset. To understand what this data means, we used statistical tools like mean, median, and standard deviation analyses. We also used regression models to see what factors can affect voice quality. We compared VoLTE and VoNR performances across different networks to see which provides better voice quality.

Our findings showed us a clear picture of which technologies performed better. Some conditions improved voice quality, while others took away from it. Some standout data points led us to look deeper, often helping us understand unique aspects related to a network or device. Using this, we formulated best practices to improve VoLTE/VoNR MOS testing in future. These practices include ideal testing conditions and methods that can be trusted for providing accurate data.

Looking forward, we suggest more research in new areas and testing methods to improve MOS assessments. We acknowledge that there may be biases in data collection or limitations in testing conditions. This is a reminder of why it's important to interpret our findings carefully.

In conclusion, this analysis helps shine a light on how we can improve mobile communication quality. This can be done with strong testing protocols, guided by the findings from our VoLTE/VoNR MOS testing research.

Constant Monitoring and Growth

Starting constant review and growth for VoLTE/VoNR MOS testing happens by setting a baseline. This important first step jots down the current performance standards. It gives a solid point to compare with future checks.

Then, it becomes critical to accept real-time analytics. This plan makes sure the clear monitoring of voice quality metrics like MOS. It gives instant insights into how well things are performing. Moreover, it's crucial to have an automatic alert system. It rings the alarm when the performance gets off track from the set limits. This prompts a fast action to keep things standard.

Moreover, studying trends over time is very useful. Looking at data over time, both success stories and worrying dips become clear. This helps direct the strategic decisions. As a result, network changes become informed by MOS score data and other quality experience metrics. This includes jitter, latency, and packet loss and plays a vital part in optimization efforts.

At the same time, mixing customer feedback with MOS data sheds light on issues from the user side. It acts as a direction pointer for focused betterment. Coupled with advanced analytics for finding the root cause, these steps make sure of targeted actions that handle the main of performance troubles.

Plus, staying updated with technology with regular updates is key in navigating the evolving landscapes of VoLTE and VoNR. Comparing against market standards and competitors sharpens the edge. It provides a way to look at performance relative to the wider ecosystem.

Equipping technical teams through ongoing training on the latest technologies ensures readiness to handle emerging challenges. In the same way, adopting flexible testing strategies, welcoming artificial intelligence for predictive analysis and automating processes to better position organizations at the top.

Promoting a feedback loop where improvements are regularly reviewed and integrated into the process cultivates a culture of constant growth. Documentation and reporting harden this process, ensuring a clear and accountable way to excellence.

Lastly, engaging stakeholders ensures that improvements align not just with technical objectives but also with overarching business goals. This results in a drive towards perfecting VoLTE and VoNR MOS testing. Each step, inherently focused on not only resolving current issues but also staying ahead of future challenges, carves out a plan for continued success and constant progression in the dynamic world of telecommunications.

Understanding and Meeting Standards

To conduct efficient VoLTE/VoNR MOS tests, it's crucial to follow set guidelines and standards. Start with the ITU-T recommendations from the P.800-series for voice quality evaluation methods. Align your tests with the 3GPP requirements to make sure they will work with 4G and 5G networks, improving the validity and accuracy of your results.

Also, consider using the E-model referenced in ITU-T G.107 for objective voice quality checks. Using this model will aid in understanding how network issues such as delay and jitter impact users. Make use of the POLQA standard defined in ITU-T P.863 for advanced objective voice quality tests for various VoLTE/VoNR environments. Remember that PESQ (ITU-T P.862) is still relevant in some cases, acting as a bridge to newer standards.

It's essential to follow the regulations set out to protect user data and ensure privacy, a key aspect of ethical testing practices. Consistency in measuring is also highly important. Regular testing equipment calibration and standardized speech samples are necessary to guarantee the reliability and accuracy of MOS results over time.

Adding network performance indicators to your tests can help understand the network's operational aspects - call setup times, call drop outs, and latency issues. Simulating different network scenarios and user mobility can provide a detailed voice quality analysis, reflecting real-world user experience.

Ensure your tests are extended across different devices, networks, and geographies to confirm that voice services meet all users' needs. Remember to follow strict security measures during testing to safeguard the network and user data from possible threats.

Finally, consider Quality of Experience (QoE) in your evaluation. This will include user feedback and perceptual quality factors, providing a complete view of the service quality.

By ticking these boxes, you'll be equipped to conduct VoLTE/VoNR MOS testing accurately and reliably while considering real-world user experiences. This diligence and strategic approach can dramatically improve voice service quality, fulfilling the promise of 5G technology. It contributes to not just meeting but exceeding user expectations, setting new standards in the telecommunications sector. Continual refinement in MOS testing methods will be crucial in keeping up with rapid advances in network technologies, ensuring smooth and rich communication for users worldwide.

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